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Things To Seto

Well, January came and went and I didn't manage to blog once. My bad. It's not to say that I haven't been taking pictures, because I have. Lately I've been really trying to push myself creatively by taking on a personal project, and until now it just wasn't ready to be shown.

My younger sister, Adriana, and I have launched a lifestyle blog: THINGSTOSETO.COM. What started out as a joke idea immediately turned into something that the both of us got really excited about. For Adriana, this blog gives her the opportunity to entertain people with her witty and hilarious voice. For me, it gets me out of my element as a photographer and makes me approach photography with a fresh new perspective. 

Here are some outtakes from an afternoon we spent out at Ghost Lake. You can check out the full set HERE. I'm excited to see how this endeavour helps the both of us grow as creatives. 



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2014 | The B-Roll

2014 has been pretty good to me. I've met so many amazing photographers this year who have helped inspire me and learn more about taking good photos, on top of being really great friends. I graduated from university, got to go back to Hong Kong, and travel across the prairies to shoot a tour for a musician I greatly respect. Going back through the photos I've taken in 2014, I can't help but feel thankful for the people I've met this year and the memories I've made and preserved with them. 2015, I'm ready for you.


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Exploring | Taipei Revisted

There's something I really enjoy about not actually having any plans when travelling and just being spontaneous. Yes, sometimes you need to have an itinerary but for the most part I love just wandering aimlessly around, soaking in whatever comes into fruition.

Going to Taipei with my sister was an absolute blast. I have been to Taipei before but I never quite experienced it this way. For one thing, the weather was much more bearable this time so actually walking around all day did not make me feel like melting. The fact that my younger sister is so passionate about food made eating a much more important part of the trip, something that I greatly appreciated. Every interaction we had struggling to overcome the language barrier was another fun memory that we could laugh about at the end of the day.

In short, I really love Taipei and it was a blast being able to explore it with someone I care about so much.




Exploring | Hong Kong Revisited

This is the second time I have visited Hong Kong and the city continues to amaze me. It's interesting going to a place you've been before with different people. Not having school three days a week this time around meant being able to go exploring every single day, whether it was in Central or Mong Kok or a hiking trail an hour away. Thanks to the power of Instagram, I got the chance to meet some really great people and find some new amazing spots I would've never been able to look up on a tourism website. 

I'm pretty sure I'll be back again. It may not be as soon but I will come back. There's so many places I still want to see.




Exploring | Rawson Lake

On the early drive out to Kananaskis we saw not only an outstanding sunrise against the cloudy mountains but also the most brilliant rainbow I have ever seen with my own eyes. At the entrance of the parking lot, we also spotted a moose. Good signs for things to come.

When we made it to the top of the 4 km hike (slowly on my part), we were greeted with a moody view of the lake. We faced pretty much all the elements on our hike up to Rawson Lake - Rain. Sleet. Snow. Howling winds. Once in a while the sun would make an appearance and cast a beautiful light across the mountains.

Once we made it back down, we headed to Canmore for dinner and drinks. A focused effort to be present in the moment meant face-down phones until the bill was paid. During that time I don't think there was a single moment where I wasn't laughing or smiling. 

I can't believe how lucky I am to have found a group of people I love spending so much time with. The day before hanging out I can never sleep because my brain goes crazy with anticipation, like if it's the day before Christmas. This is a group of people who pushes me to be better and who constantly inspires me. A group where I truly feel like myself.

