

My roommate in Hong Kong, Colleen, and I decided to book a trip to Taiwan on a whim. We had literally known each other for two days. I packed and flew to Singapore for a weekend. I flew back to Hong Kong, unpacked, repacked, and then we flew to Taipei the next morning. Three days of extreme heat, countless trips on the MRT, sharing a bed. I'm glad we booked that trip. The thing I immediately loved about Taipei was how gritty it looked on the bus ride from the airport. It was still clean and safe, but there was still that feeling of being a little run down. I don't know what it is about that kind of city. I guess it just feels honest.




The campus here in Hong Kong is great, but the best part about being down here is definitely the opportunity to travel to so many different places. As soon as I confirmed my exchange, I made the decision to visit Singapore. It was really interesting to be in a place in Asia that felt so unlike Asia. Everything felt so new and clean and everyone was so stylish and aware of their appearance. I'm so glad I know such quality people, Ashley and Andrew, who let me stay with them and show me around. It was definitely a good first solitary trip.


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This is the most beautiful campus I have ever seen. I can't believe I'm living here for the next month.

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Brenda and Kent

Central United Church was where Brenda and Kent got married. We were standing in the stairwell where Brenda waited before the ceremony 25 years ago. "I love you." Brenda looked at Kent dead in the eye and instantly teared up. Honestly, I can't stop thinking about that one moment in the session. Those three words are so simple and yet they mean so much. I love you. I love you.

I have spent twenty five years with you and I am still madly in love with you.



Heather and Nathan

Currently it is 4:55am in Hong Kong and I have crazy jetlag. I've never been so awake on just one hour of sleep, especially after being awake for the 24 hours prior. I have a blog specifically for my time in Asia if you would like to check that out, but since I have so much time right now I figured I would share a recent engagement session I shot with Heather and Nathan, AKA the sweetest people ever. The way they fit so well together and make each other happy make me so glad that they are getting married.
